How Does The Electron Beam Crosslinking Process Work?

[embedyt][/embedyt]   What if you had a tool you could use to improve your existing plastic or polymer product? Or a tool that enables you to create a new specialty product? What if that tool could improve the temperature rating of your product or improve its chemical resistance or give it the low-temperature impact […]

Crosslinking vs Scissioning

When dealing with the electron beam processing of polymers, two terms you will often hear are crosslinking and scissioning. Although both of these things happen as a result of electron beam irradiation, they are two opposite processes. Both are used to enhance or reduce certain properties of polymers according to a company’s specific needs. Polymer […]

Come visit us in sunny CA at the MD&M West!

Are you tired of gray, dreary skies, being bundled up so tightly you can’t move, and the constant imminent threat of snow and ice? Then take a break and come with us to sunny California next week! February 9-11th we’ll be at the MD&M West 2016 in Anaheim, CA, where over 2,000 of the most […]

Crosslinked Foam and Its Application in the Automotive Industry

Did you know that electron beam processing is used to create crosslinked polyolefin foam? The extruded, unfoamed matrix is beamed at E-BEAM Services in an efficient reel-to-reel process. Later it can be foamed in a high heat process offsite. Crosslinked foam has increased heat stability, strength, and chemical resistance while retaining flexibility. These properties make […]

How Does the Electron Beam Sterilization Process Work?

  The electron beam sterilization process begins with an electron beam accelerator. E-BEAM Services uses high power state of the art accelerators to create a powerful beam of electrons. The beam is scanned back and forth to create a curtain of fast electrons, which shower and safely ionize the materials that they strike. There is […]

The Story of E-BEAM Services: Sterilization

We are E-BEAM Services, we are committed to the power of electrons, and we are electron sterilization. In the video below, you will discover how E-BEAM Services has revolutionized the sterilization market with the power of electrons.     Transcript The story of E-BEAM Services is the story of commitment. Commitment to the power of […]

The Story of E-BEAM Services: Crosslinking

We are E-BEAM Services, we are committed to the power of electrons, and we are crosslinking. In the video below, you will learn about the history of crosslinking at E-BEAM and how we are the industry leaders in the changing the material properties of polymers in order to create a superior product.     Transcript […]

Cold Sterilization is an E-BEAM Specialty

Sometimes customers have a special sterilization challenge–and e-beam sterilization provides the solution. For example, I recently worked with a customer whose product needs to stay refrigerated, but not frozen. The product degrades over time, and degrades even faster at higher temperatures. However, it is destroyed if it goes below freezing. E-BEAM cold sterilization with refrigeration […]

How E-BEAM Services assures compliance with ISO 13485

E-BEAM establishes compliance with a standard such as ISO 13485 or ISO 9001 by reviewing the standard and determining if and how E-BEAM Services implements each section of the standard. If there is a gap between our Quality Management System (QMS) and a requirement of the standard, we assess the gap and implement procedures to […]

5 Common Questions About Rheology

When you e-beam polyethylene resin pellets, won’t there be gels? This is often one of the first questions asked in regards to e-beam processing in relation to changing the rheology of polymers. The concern is that with the e-beam irradiation, crosslinking is occurring and therefore hard gels are being formed. However, at low doses, before crosslinking […]