How high-dose testing can be used to simulate radiation exposure for the nuclear industry
Nuclear reactors and radioactive materials play an important part in our society, such as the use of radioisotopes for medical treatments and the production of carbon-free energy. But using radiation in a safe and beneficial manner requires a deep understanding of the materials involved and their potential reactions to radiation. Shielding materials for medical isotopes […]
How does crosslinking improve wire and cable insulation?
When wire and cable is irradiated by electron beam, the electrons crosslink the jacket, improving performance characteristics – such as higher tensile strength, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, and improved thermal resistance at elevated temperatures – without changing the dimensional properties.
Electron Beam Rheology Control
[embedyt][/embedyt] Does your PE or PP resin have the exact material properties you want? If you’re manufacturing a specialty film, bottle, foam, or other plastic product, the standard off-the-shelf grades offered by the big resin manufacturers don’t always meet your needs.
What are some different types of ionizing radiation?
Radiation with wavelengths shorter than 10–10 m is considered ionizing radiation, because it can ionize the molecules it encounters. Gamma, x-ray, and e-beam are examples of ionizing radiation, whereas microwaves, radiowaves, and UV are considered nonionizing.
How do I sterilize my labware?
This might be a trick question. Depending on its end use, sometimes labware doesn’t need to be sterilized. It needs to be bioreduced.
A Message to Our Valued Customers
Dear valued customer, In this unprecedented time, we wanted to reach out to you with a message. As the largest provider of medium-voltage electron beam (5 MeV) contract sterilization services on the globe, E-BEAM Services, Inc. reinforces its continuous efforts to provided uninterrupted services amid the COVID-19 outbreak and its related issues, particularly when it […]
What kinds of products can be easily converted to Medium-voltage Electron Beam Sterilization?
Over the years Medium-Voltage electron beam (5 MeV) accelerators have been proven useful and effective for the sterilization of a great variety of products, including medical devices, single-use products, and labware at an industrial level worldwide.
E-BEAM Services to Showcase Crosslinked Foam Capabilities at 4th Annual North American FOAM EXPO
Understanding how to enhance products utilizing green electron beam technology is the unique expertise of E-BEAM Services. E-BEAM Services is looking forward to bringing crosslinking expertise to the Foam Expo North America Conference in Novi, Michigan.
What is the difference between crosslinking, branching, and chain scissioning?
[embedyt][/embedyt] In the latest Crash Course, the E-BEAM team talks about the difference between three different types of polymer modification: crosslinking, branching, and chain scissioning.
Why do you perform a dose audit?
Most of our sterilization customers have us and their microlab perform a dose audit (also known as a sublethal or dose verification) on their products on a quarterly basis. The purpose of this test, simplified, is to audit the minimum dose needed to achieve sterility and make sure it hasn’t increased due to any potential […]