Regulatory Pathways and The Science of Sterilization

This past Tuesday, E-BEAM Services partnered with BioOhio and NAMSA to present the first ever Regulatory Pathways and The Science of Sterilization forum.

The forum worked as a kind of Sterilization 101 class, with an introduction from BioOhio’s President and CEO, John Lewis, an overview from NAMSA’s Carla Weise of global regulatory pathways and tips for successful FDA submissions, a walk-through of the sterilization validation process by E-BEAM’s own Olivia Radcliffe and Dan Yasenchak, and a brief synopsis of the three major sterilization methods: ethylene oxide gas, gamma irradiation, and, of course, electron beam irradiation (the most distinguished and resplendent of the three, though I may be a tad biased… šŸ™‚ ) by E-BEAM’s VP of Technology and Business Development, Bill Crilley. E-BEAM’s President and CEO, Paul Minbiole, served as Master of Ceremonies to help keep the day rolling smoothly.

After the presentations and lunch, the groupĀ migrated back to the E-BEAM Services facility in Lebanon for a quick tour of one of the electron accelerators in action, and visitors were gifted with a Lichtenberg figure paperweight made in-house.

Overall, the day was insightful to both attendees and their hosts, as questions about topics such as controlled substanceĀ sterilization and frozen processing led to in-depth discussions.

Want to be involved in E-BEAM’s next event? Just email Karen and we’ll make sure to send you a personalized invitation!