Crash Course Recap: The Top 5 Things You Need To Know About E-beam Sterilization
[embedyt][/embedyt] Recently, E-BEAM Services posted their latest Crash Course: The Top 5 Things You Need To Know About E-beam Sterilization. This latest foray into the world of electron beam processing gave us a beginner level look at–you guessed it!–the top five important things to know about e-beam sterilization. Here’s a brief run-down:
What is a dose map and how much does it cost?
A dose map, or dose distribution study, helps us determine if all of the product within your case is receiving the necessary sterilization dose. In this study, we take a measurement of the internal doses throughout a case of product. The case of product is opened by E-BEAM Services, and our trained lab technicians place dosimeters at […]
Dear E-BEAM: How many samples do I need for an e-beam material test?
Dear E-BEAM, I am a new startup company, and am trying to get my product validated for e-beam sterilization. How many samples do I need to send you for the material test? And, while we’re talking about material tests….what are they? Sincerely, Material Girl
Hydrogel Crosslinking
Although we may not recognize them for what they are, hydrogels are very useful and are becoming more and more common each day. We can find hydrogels in a wide variety of today’s products, from medical devices to contact lenses to your lunchtime Jell-O snackpack. So, what exactly is a hydrogel?
Increasing UHMWPE abrasion resistance with electron beam processing
Are you looking for a tough material with high abrasion resistance? The e-beam process can greatly improve the abrasion resistance of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene is also known as UHMWPE. It’s pretty cool stuff. As the name implies, it is polyethylene with really long chains. In fact, its molecular weight […]
Dear Karen: E-beam vs Gamma Sterilization Dose
Dear Karen, I have qualified my product for sterilization at a gamma facility, but am interested in transitioning to electron beam. I already know what dose my product needs for gamma sterilization. Is this dose going to be the same for e-beam sterilization? Sincerely, Max Dose (Name changed for privacy. And because I’m a sucker […]
Throwback Thursday: Long-lasting barrier-resistant properties
With a show of hands, how many of you wear makeup on a daily basis? I myself never leave home (and actually rarely even walk around home by myself) without mascara and some form of gloss or lipstick. And in today’s world, a lot of us care a lot about what goes into our makeup. […]
Throwback Thursday: Crosslinked Thin-Wall Wire and Cable Products
We’re celebrating this Throwback Thursday with some old school E-BEAM marketing! The graphics may be dated, but the facts presented are tried and true and still help many customers make great products to this day. Today, we’re taking a look back at a piece (Crosslinked Thin-Wall Wire and Cable) that promises to demonstrate that “cross-linked […]
Regulatory Pathways and The Science of Sterilization
This past Tuesday, E-BEAM Services partnered with BioOhio and NAMSA to present the first ever Regulatory Pathways and The Science of Sterilization forum. The forum worked as a kind of Sterilization 101 class, with an introduction from BioOhio’s President and CEO, John Lewis, an overview from NAMSA’s Carla Weise of global regulatory pathways and tips […]
Long Chain Branching, Part 3 – Demonstrating Improved Drawability
In Part 2, we irradiated three samples of LLDPE with the electron beam to impart long chain branching and we achieved the improvement in melt tension we were looking for. In Part 3, we irradiated one of the samples with a higher dose to produce LCB (long chain branched) LLDPE with a melt tension measurement […]