E-BEAM Services to showcase new EBXL offering at the Foam Expo

Three colleagues taking notes about chemical bonds on a model in the laboratory

E-BEAM Services is excited to hit the road this month to participate in North America’s premier exhibition for the foam manufacturing supply chain: the Foam Expo North America Conference. We’re thrilled to introduce our innovative EBXL offer at an event entirely focused on foam.

So, what happens when you combine foam and electrons? You get EBXL foam! Our cutting-edge electron beam processing technology not only transforms the foam but also adds substantial value to it.

Electron beam (e-beam) processing enhances the foam by creating crosslinks between polymer chains. The result? Crosslinked foam with superior heat stability, strength, and chemical resistance, all while maintaining its flexibility. These enhanced properties make EBXL foam an ideal choice for a variety of applications, especially in the automotive interior sector and many other industries.

The secret lies in the fine-celled structure of e-beam crosslinked foam. This structure endows the foam with all the desirable properties typically associated with fine-celled foams, automatically achieved through our advanced e-beam technology.

But that’s just scratching the surface of what e-beam crosslinked foam can offer. If you’re attending the Foam Expo North America Conference, we invite you to visit us and learn more about how our EBXL technology can meet your foam needs. Can’t make it to the show? No problem! Reach out to us at ebeam@ebeamservices.com for more information. We look forward to connecting with you and demonstrating how our innovative solutions can elevate your foam products to the next level.